Monday, 6 November 2017

Sector 13 Issue Two - The Reviews Are In

Cover to Issue 2, without text
The Sector House 13 crew had a great evening on Friday in the Parlour Bar launching the second issue of our fanzine, Sector 13.  Initial reaction has been fantastic and sales have been better than we could have expected.  More importantly many of the members of the group are keen to get involved and are already lining up with ideas and proposals for the next issue.

When you consider the amount of work that went into Sector 13, you have to remember that it is put-together entirely by volunteers, in their own time and with nobody being paid anything so a huge thank you to everyone who contributed in any way. 

It's early days yet but we have had a few reviews of issue two.  One which meant a lot, came from an eleven year old who somehow managed to get hold of the comic. 

Now we'd be the first to say that in our view Sector 13 is a PG-13 comic.   There is swearing and we do touch on some difficult themes.  But we were all once eleven years old ourselves and can't help thinking that this is exactly the sort of comic we would have liked to have got our hands on.  So here, for all of you, is the review from Eoin, aged eleven.

I like the front cover, it’s one of the best things about the comic, the design is very good and looks very lifelike.

The Sector 13 is good, I like the way it is all over the place, but it is all about the same thing.
Humane Options is a little confusing, but it is still one of my favourite ones.  The time travelling confused me, but I could still follow it.  It did have a lot of swear words.

I liked the drawings in Stone Man.

Art from Simon McKnight's 'Stone Man'

On the first poster, I like all the different colours and the drawing is one of the best in the comic.
 The second poster, which is a two page spread is the most colourful and the best drawn pages in the comic.

Jawine Westland's shading on 'Ragnarok'
Ragnarok is my favourite bit of the comic.  I like how it is drawn and I like the idea of cloning in it. I like how it is drawn in grey and black, it goes well with space and the planets.

Strontium Dog is also one of my favourite comic strips in the comic. It’s all colour and it’s really well drawn.  It is a really good storyline as well.

I  liked reading the interview and looking at all the drawings.  It was really interesting.

Davy Francis was very good and different to all of the others.  It was short which made it even better, also it was animated and goofy.  It was also one of my favourites in the comic.

Judge Death was writing in a really adult way.

The comic was good overall and I look forward to reading the next issue.

Thank you Eoin, we're really glad you enjoyed Sector 13 and, as you requested, we've passed on details of your local comic shops.  Maybe in a few years time you'll be helping out with a future issue yourself.

In the meantime, we'll be pleased to get reviews of the zine from anyone out there.  Send them to and we'll put a  selection of them out on the blog.

If you want a copy of the zine contact the same e-mail address or send £6.50 (inc p&P) via Paypal to (UK only - for other destinations please contact us for price).

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